Thursday 22 March 2012

My story so far..

I am writing this blog to track and follow the dogs in my life, what tricks they learn or can learn and what sports I take up with them and how the training goes.
I had always been a cat person until I met my husband. He introduced me to the wonderful "Border Collie" breed and I have not looked back.

I had the traditional black and white border collies, Pepsi and Max (Pepsi unfortunately was put down 2 years ago from cancer) and I have recently bought a beautiful female chocolate Merle border collie named Merlo.

<-- Pepsi

We weren't sure how Max would be with a new puppy (as he was 11 years old at the time). We had looked after a 12 week German Shepard puppy for 1 week and Max did not take to her at all and we had to keep them separated the majority of the time. We had heard that some dogs do not take to other breeds so well, so we had our fingers crossed that when we brought Merlo home, he would be more accepting of her. We couldn't have been more happier. He loved her and they even slept in the same small room that night together. He has come out of his shell and is more lively and is very tolerant of her.

I would love to hear what breeds are your favourite and have you ever owned more than 1 dog of different breeds and how they got along?

I have completed Merlo's basic obedience course and have now enrolled her into agility classes. She is currently 11 months old, so cannot do any jumping yet due to her age, however I will keep you updated as to  what progress she is making, basic obedience and will later get her doing some fantastic tricks.